it's nice to meet you - hungry for more?

let's work together to create unforgettable images

leila winiger photography

ch - 5610 wohlen | switzerland

+41 79 568 13 76

on glass: leilawiniger

on instagram: 

hi, i'm leila.

my complete name is sandra leila winiger. as with my two first names i do have two big passions:

  • one is water
  • one is photography

sandra is known as civil engineer working in water hydraulics - and loving it.

leila is known as the through and through photographer. she started out with landscape, did some wedding photography and now she's just very passionate about shooting concerts, food and people. And still loves doing landscape.

professional photography will take your marketing from average to awesome and can help increase sales and bring in new customers.

get in touch with her using her contact form to discuss rates, scheduling and more or just to say hi.


  • house photographer at chillout boswil, since 2017
  • free lance photographer based in wohlen, switzerland, since 2012
  • cap creative advanced photography professional school, zurich 2012
  • bachelor of applied sciences in civil engineering, switzerland 2002 
  • basic photography skills by john gillis, portland, oregon 1993 /94 


  • 2024: swiss photo club photo award zurich @ photo bastei, short list - green pea vines
  • 2024: photo bastei zurich - the four seasons of a river
  • 2020: swiss photo club photo award zurich @ photo bastei, short list - heimat
  • 2018: photo bastei zurich - handwerk
  • 2016: psi paul scherrer institut - photo award, short list - reep (rope)
  • 2015: photo15 zurich - zerFALL
  • 2015: single exhibition at bratschi wiederkehr & buob ag
  • 2013 & 2014: restaurant trotte oberrohrdorf 
  • 2012: cap portfolio days zurich 
  • 2007: m-art zurich - licht und schatten 



reproduction in any form or in any media or for AI without express written permission of leila winiger is prohibited.

leila winiger does not guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy of information accessed via links from this website.  

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